Sunday, October 26, 2008


We started our Friday by going to Gleason's open gym and watching the kiddos run, jump and bounce. It was hilarious to see Joe bounce on the trampoline, he absolutely loved it. Abby loved running up and down the long trampoline and then jumping into the foam pit. In the late afternoon we intentionally tryed to catch the chicken pox. Abby shared suckers and Joe shared a sippy cup with two girls who had the pox! From there we went to a halloween themed bday party. Between the pox stop and the bday party we stopped at the co-op and Abby learned where paper bags come from. Lately, everytime we go somewhere she wants her own bag. Usually I don't mind or I try and remember to bring her bag. This time we only got butter and so did not need a bag. When I said no she got really mad. When I stopped and explained to her why I thought it was wasteful and told her where the bags came from (cut down trees) she was like oh ok - but of course my ever thinking girl said well what about plastic :) It is funny how if you take the time to explain things kids of course get it.
Saturday we missed music class because Abby slept in and instead we went and cheered on a friend who ran a half marathon. We then went to the PO for an API meeting and snacks. Home for lunch and nap. Abby had a playdate here so we played in the yard and enjoyed one of the last warm Fall days.
Today the reality that winter is coming struck us as a few snowflakes fell from the sky and we hunkered down in the house. While Joe napped, Abby and I made GF/CF pumpkin bars. She has really been getting into helping in the kitchen. Afterwards, I mixed up some paint for her and she painted while I made dinner.

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