Sunday, November 30, 2008

Animal Science Book/TV

So, whenever we go to the library Abby always wants to check out a DVD. She generally picks something that doesn't interest her and so she watches it once and then forgets about it. However, she does like a Diego DVD which I encouraged her to get yesterday over a Disney Bambi movie. So, this Diego video is really annoying but she loves it. She likes to watch it on her portable DVD player in the kitchen while I am cooking. Abby was never a tv kid and just recently she has started to like watching movies more and more and I am conflicted about this. Sometimes I like it because it gives me a break and other times I feel guilty about it. Well last night, after Abby had been at my mom's all afternoon, she said she wanted to make an Animal Science Book. This is a book that Diego refers to in the DVD when he has a question about an animal. We ended up having a lot of fun together making this book and it wouldn't have happened without the movie. So, I decided to release my guilt over the tv and to realize she can learn from it. Of course this is in moderation. I do not think I could handle it if she wanted to watch tv all day. Who knows maybe at some point she will want to and we will have to cross that bridge when we get to it.


Hannah Eye said...

What's an animal science book?

Josefina said...

Kaelon loves Diego too, and boy is that annoying. You're lucky Abby doesn't ask to watch TV every day. Kaelon sure does, and now that Damian caught a glimpse of a Blue's Clues movie that we own, he loves it and I'm such a bad mama who badly wants a break especially when cooking so I have been using it as a babysitter for the last couple of weeks:(. But hubby is pulling 80 hours now so maybe I shouldn't feel so guilty about it. What on earth did I do before Blue's Clues?! I can barely recall--I guess I took a lot of soothing-the-baby breaks (while the potatoes are burning in the oven!) and holding him while doing chores...
How cool that Abby got inspired to do an animal science book.