Thursday, December 11, 2008


So I just realized that Abby has not watched any movies since the last time I wrote about her watching the Diego DVD. Oh wait, she did watch Rudolph with me last week. Otherwise, she has not mentioned anything about her movies. That is a reminder to me that when I start getting worried about something that she is doing I need to go with the flow more and NOT worry.


Hannah Eye said...

Thank God you finally posted. I could hardly stand the wait!

I want to hear about all the cooking you're doing. And, what is your daily routine?

Mariah said...

Cooking? Umm. . . what is that?
Daily routine???
My life has no routine except Abby hold on, Abby hold on, Abby just a minute.

Los Pyefeld said...

Hey, that's more of a routine than I have! Congrats! Go with it! It's a natural rhythm.