The other night I came home from yoga and Abby was writing a book. Shawn had stapled a bunch of blank paper for her and she was rewriting a Madeline book that she has memorized, with help from Shawn. A few days later she was looking at the book and she said that once she learns how to read she will be able to read her very own book. I agreed and then asked her when she thought she would learn how to read. I ask her these sorts of questions every few months when she brings up "starting school" just because I am curious to hear what her thoughts are about learning. I also think it is really funny that she is totally convinced that she has to "do" school to learn things, especially because I have really stressed that she doesn't need school to learn. So, back to our conversation. She said she wanted to start school when she was 6 1/2, which I told her was in just a few months. I told Shawn that she wanted to start school at 6 1/2 so he jumped all over that and started talking about doing a curriculum and sitting down each day to do a little bit of school. Of course, I was just cringing inside but didn't say anything because if Abby really does want to do a curriculum, which I am pretty sure she does not understand what one is, than I want her to do it. After that conversation she decided she wanted to start next Monday and she wanted to know what I thought of that idea. I told her I thought she should just play some more. That was pretty much the end of the conversation. The next morning she told me she changed her mind and didn't want to start school when she was 6 1/2. My girl totally cracks me up!
So, am I lame because I am not encouraging her to "do" school at home??????