Sunday, February 8, 2009

Questioning homeschool

Whenever we go somewhere and meet someone new one of the first questions people ask Abby is if she goes to school (it is amazizng to me that so many adults know of nothing else to talk to children about!) Of course, Abby says no and that she does homeschool. Lately, I have noticed that after she says that she does homeschool they say "oh really and WHAT do you do in homeschool?" I am realizing that that comment makes me annoyed and I wonder why they ask her this. I don't usually hear people ask school kids what they do in school. I wonder if it is because they are truly curious or if they are sort of talking down to her and questioning her to see if she is REALLY doing homeschool. I don't really know where I am going with this post or why it even bothers me but it does. Off to do some more pondering . . .

1 comment:

Los Pyefeld said...

Why ponder when you can just come over here in 2 weeks and do The Work on it? Don't forget! Sounds like a good one that will benefit all.