Saturday, February 21, 2009


I am a terrible swimmer. I grew up with a mom who couldn't really swim and so we didn't go to pools or the beach very often. When we did go we usually were told to play in the shallow area so she could keep an eye on us. I have this annoying nervous energy about swimming and really really want my kids to be able to swim. I have signed Abby up for swimming lessons two different times and both times she ended up quitting because they were trying to get her to go under water. She absolutely refuses to go under. Both times she quit, I totally supported it because I did not want them to force her under and then ruin her love for playing in the water. I find it rather annoying that every swim place feels it is mandatory to go under before a kid can learn to swim. Why not just let them do what they are comfortable with and work with them at their level!? Anyways, we recently found an indoor community pool that has half price Mondays and have been going as much as possible. It has been awesome to watch Abby evolve over the 3 or 4 times we have been there. The last time we went she put her face under and jumped in with the water splashing over her face and loved it. I asked her if she was interested in taking lessons again now that she was comfortable getting her face wet but she said NO! I think she is still nervous about going under often and probably doesn't want to feel like she "has to" do it. I am so glad that I didn't push the lessons on her and very happy to see how proud she is of herself. I overheard her telling a friend of mine that she can now go under water and she learned all by herself and that she doesn't need lessons :)

1 comment:

Carrie Pomeroy said...

I loved hearing your story about Abby's evolution as a swimmer. We tried lessons with Bridger when he was three but he wasn't interested and became hysterical over water splashing in his face. Then last summer when he was five he got comfortable with putting his face in the water in a shallow wading pool and accidentally figured out how to float face-down there.

He took swimming lessons at the Y starting last fall with a lovely teacher with fuchsia dreadlocks who pushed him to try new things but backed off when he resisted. Perfect combo, and now he can swim. Short distances, mind you, and very herky-jerky, but the boy can swim and loves it. It has been so moving to watch his process and so vindicating of letting him go at his own pace. Now he's choosing to take a break, even though I kind of wish he'd keep going and sharpening those skills of his. But it's his choice.

Good for you for letting Abby find her way, too.