Friday, April 3, 2009

Great Day

This week has been rough. I don't know if it was the weather (can't seem to find Spring in MN) or what but I was seriously questioning my sanity and Abby's sanity and specifically I was wondering why the hell I was not sending my kid to school, until yesterday. We had such a great day. We woke up and decided to meet a friend of ours at a nature center. We had to get there early because they weren't going to be there very long. Getting somewhere early can sometimes turn into a disaster because Abby really enjoys her mornings at home but she was excited to meet our chiropractor and her kids. When we first got there we spent time indoors eating snacks and watching the birds. We then decided to head outside to do some exploring. We ended up hiking for about an hour and both kids did great. Abby was super into it and did not complain once. Joe was up and down a lot but mostly down following his big sister. It was so refreshing to be outside on a cool spring morning watching my kids run around and having adult conversation. Afterwards, we went home and Joe took a very early and short nap. Once he woke up I asked Abby if she wanted to go to the homeschooling group and she did. I told her we would be outside at a park and she got super excited. So, I packed more snacks and we spent a couple more hours outside. The kids had a great time and once again this mamma got some adult conversation in! Oh, the necessity of adult interaction, it is amazing how it can make me feel so much better. Once we got home Abby ended up playing with the neighbor kids so by bedtime she was wiped out. We all crashed early. Cheers to a good day!

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