Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Abby has recently showed an interest in coins and has started to ask me questions about them. To my embarassment, I couldn't remember the name of the president who is on the nickel, so I looked it up one night and printed out a coloring sheet from the internet. The next morning I showed it to Abby and she was really excited and asked me to print out sheets for the other coins, which I did. She had a lot of fun looking at the sheets and asking questions about them. I offered an idea of finding coins from out coin cup to match the coins on the paper. She enjoyed this but then got stumped when she was trying to find a quarter with an eagle on the back. At first I thought she was finding the wrong coins but then realized that all the quaters we had were the newer quarters commemorating the different states. This led to the idea of collecting a quarter for each state. So, I think we will try and get to the bookstore tomorrow and get a special folder that holds these quarters, she is really excited about this. It is funny because while she was playing with the coins and the coloring sheets I decided to see if she could remember which presidents were on which coins, she guessed a few times and then when she was wrong she started to loose interest and get frustrated. I realized right away that my "testing" of her was a bad idea and had to remind myself to be there to answer her questions or suggest ideas not to be there as her "teacher." This will have to become my mantra as it is way too easy for me to fall into the I know more and I should teach her mode.

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