Saturday, July 18, 2009


We went camping in Brainerd last week and had a blast. Two other families were with us and the week just flew by so quickly. We were looking forward to a warm sun and swimming filled vacation but for some reason the weather in MN is acting as if it is October so we spent the week in jeans,sweatshirts and wind jackets but we still had a blast. The second day we were there we had flash flooding and Shawn and Abby were out biking in it. They got back to the camper and they looked like drowned rats! Poor Abby was pretty freaked not only from the torrential rain, and super strong winds, but the thunder was booming really loud. I don't think she will ever forget that ride. Mr Joe slept through the whole thing. The rain calmed down and then pounded again so we ended up going into town for dinner which was nice, except when Joe decided to use his straw to "bat" a piece of chicken across the table and over onto the people behind us - oops! Fortunately, we didn't have any more rain and Abby was able to enjoy the heated pool a few times, play at the park, ride around the camp ground and go fishing. She caught her first fish and was super excited. Here are a few pictures from the trip.

The kids piling up on eachother

Alayna doing Abby's hair, which she loved.

My gorgeous girl!

One afternoon we went to Crow Wing state park

Hanging out at the spot where the Crow Wing River and the Mississippi join.
Joe didn't want to get off Shawn's back initially. He eventually did and loved playing in the sand and water.

Here is the whole gang. The only missing one is Shadow. Oh and Max is hiding in there somewhere.

Shawn, Abby and Joe fishing.

Abby's first fish.

Abby getting ready to wash her hands after building a forest in the dirt.


Here are some pictures from last years trip at the same campground.


Los Pyefeld said...

Great pix!!

Carrie Pomeroy said...

This looks so fun! I'm jealous! What a lovely vacation for everyone.