Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Day in the Life

Now and again I wonder if I provide enough experiences/activites for my children. I was thinking about this last night while I was laying in bed trying to get Joe to sleep for over an hour. I reflected on our day, which isn't typical of everyday, but I realized that we do way more than I think we do. This was our day yesterday. I got up and ran errands while Shawn hung out with the kids, they played and watched a movie. I got home and then we went outside. Once outside we played on the swingset, watered the plants and Abby got out a bucket of water and washed her balance bike, Joe's trike and everything else in the backyard. While Abby and I did more work in the yard Shawn and Joe went to the bike shop then back home where we vacuumed out the car. Afterwards we had lunch and then Shawn was going to take Abby over to the lake to go fishing during Joe's nap. It started to rain and Shawn ended up falling asleep on the couch so Abby and I decided to go to the Mall to go on rides. She has an unlimited pass which she got from my mom. I love having this pass because we can just go for a short while and not feel like we have to go on every single ride. In fact, Abby only went on two rides yesterday. She went on some puppy ride and then went on the carousel about 10 times in a row and then she said she was ready to go home. Once we got home we decided to go fishing so we all headed down to the lake. Shawn and Joe fished while Abby and I made fairy houses in the sand. I think the fishing experience was a little disappointing for Abby because she did not have her own rod, apparently it is broke. We then went home and decided to barbecue for dinner. Our neighbor ended up coming over so Abby and her played together for a long time. They found a frog in our window well and they wanted me to take some pictures. While Abby was holding it for the picture the frog was singing the prettiest song, it was really neat. The girls made a home for it in a bucket with rocks, water, sand and some critters for the frog to eat. Abby knew that she would need to let it go before the end of the night. She was sad about this but also knew that she didn't want to keep the frog too long because it would die. So, during dinner she kept running out and checking on it, the last time she came in she told us she let the frog go. She said she was happy for the frog but sad for herself. I am so happy that she let the frog go when she was ready because I was a bit nervous it was going to turn into a crying fest if I had to ask her to do it. Gotta love my girl.

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